Nitrate Mitigation

At JL rural contractors we are able to advise on and look after all the Creation, Maintenance, Design and Location aspects of the New Nitrate Mitigation Legislation for developers and Builders. This legislation currently has not been implemented nation wide and is just in certain areas where the affects are higher and more detrimental to species and habitats. One main area closest to us is the Solent and as a consequence, developments in the region have effectively been halted unless each site can demonstrate that it will not worsen the level of nitrates. The Nitrate Mitigation scheme can either be done on or off site, one of the main ways to achieve a nitrate mitigation scheme is to re purpose agricultural land and turn it into either meadowland, woodland or a wetland. The scheme is designed by an ecologist who will work out the area needed with the type of scheme chosen for the size of development proposed.

We can take care of this whole process or just parts of it where needed. We know many land owners and farmers in the south that we can contact for developers and find a site suitable to both parties for mitigation schemes and make the process hassle free for everyone involved. We make sure the scheme is in place and ready for the completion of the development so it does not impact progress.

Our trained and certified operators are able to install the scheme efficiently whilst having no impact on the surrounding farm land or farming activities. We also will propose a management plan for the scheme and can carry this out on a yearly contract if required.

We are based in Storrington, West Sussex and provide Nitrate Mitigation Services to Sussex, Surrey and throughout the south.

  • Wild flower meadow creation

  • Tree and Hedge Planting

  • Wetland Creation

  • Fencing

  • Land sourcing

  • Scheme Design

  • Habitat Creation